July 11, 2024

5 ways for contract teams to get on the same page

Getting your team on the same page and working towards the same goals is critical to success in contractor management. Doing so streamlines workflow, boosts productivity, and ensures important details don’t slip through the cracks. However, attempting to align several moving pieces doesn’t come without its challenges.

Here are five practical and effective strategies to bridge the gap and ensure seamless project execution and teamwork in contractor management. 

1. Prioritize clear and frequent communication

Effective communication is crucial for achieving coherent teamwork in subcontractor management. Implementing regular check-ins, at least on a monthly basis, allows primes to review reports, identify emerging issues, and proactively work to mitigate risks. This helps everyone understand how projects are going in real-time and what resources are needed when. 

Primes can also use regularly scheduled meetings as an accountability tool, providing a deadline for subs to get documentation and updates recorded in their contract management system tools

2. Foster transparency in company culture

Organizations must also ensure that team members are encouraged to speak out about their concerns, especially when it comes to communicating risks. Leaders play a pivotal role in setting the tone for open and honest company culture, and should understand that their response to risks being shared has a direct impact on project success and long-term client satisfaction. 

One effective strategy to foster transparency is for leaders to actively communicate their appreciation for feedback. This could be as straightforward as reaching out personally or publicly acknowledging individuals who engage in these difficult conversations.  

Such gestures reinforce the value placed on openness and signal that disclosing risks and other sensitive matters is beneficial rather than detrimental to a career. Leaders can further amplify this message by sharing resources and articles that underscore the importance of risk communication.  

3. Set clear expectations

One of the most significant challenges to getting teams on the same page is confusion surrounding expectations. Prime contractors must clearly define their main goals, clarify risk management procedures, and establish expectations for subcontractors at the beginning of the project. 

For example, primes must communicate their expectations regarding documenting progress, flagging and prioritizing risks, etc. Utilizing a contract management system, in conjunction with regular meetings and progress reports, can help to streamline this process.

Remote work expectations 

Remote work has also substantially shaped team dynamics. It offers opportunities to develop stronger personal relationships, which can benefit team cohesion and overall job satisfaction. 

However, it also necessitates explicit communication of expectations, including:

4. Build trust through relationships

Trust plays a monumental role in contract administration, and it can be nurtured by creating strong prime contractor subcontractor relationships. Understanding the needs of subcontractors and how the prime can best support them signals a long-term investment in the relationship and fosters a sense of value among the entire team.

For example, smaller businesses bear an especially significant financial responsibility in obtaining the CMMC. Primes can show their appreciation for subs’ efforts by being mindful of their specific needs throughout the process and providing support accordingly. This approach sets both parties up for mutually beneficial work down the road.

5. Approach conflict with a long-term perspective 

Conflicts are inevitable in any team setting. Regardless, it is expected that these issues be dealt with internally. 

When conflicts arise, contract administrators should approach the situation in a holistic manner. This looks like identifying the root causes, considering long-term goals, and weighing the potential risks against the associated costs. The key is to adopt a big-picture perspective when deciding on the best course of action, rather than getting caught up on details that won’t matter in the long-run.

The bottom line 

Leaders in government administration can enhance their long-term success by implementing strategies that ensure their teams and subcontractors work cohesively and proficiently. With effective communication, clear boundaries, and trust-based relationships, organizations can keep their teams on the same page and working towards the same goals. 

Find out more about how contract management systems like GovPort can help you manage prime contractor subcontractor relationships and create a more capable workforce.