What can GovPort track?
From housing all your organization's critical contract documents, to providing intuitive search and flowdown support, we've got you covered.
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The dashboard of govports vault
Real-time alerts
Whether a file is nearing expiration or has already expired, GovPort provides real-time visibility into your current archive.
Real time alert system
Actively share artifacts & update
From annual certifications through W9’s, use one platform for all document sharing and archiving.
Shared artifacts
Folder structure
Regardless of how you structure your files today, GovPort will mirror your existing structure and minimize change management.
Folder structure of govport

Store all critical artifacts in a single secure location

Why does the Vault matter to your company?

Is your file storage inconsistent? Can you search and locate the right files with ease? Do you know when your files expire?

GovPort offers a single secure location for all of your files. GovPort's Vault offers users the ability to create and nest folder structures that can mirror your existing structure to maintain compliance. Our smart tags and filters allow you to search and locate the files you need most. Our expiration date tracking helps you and your subcontractors quickly access expiring or expired artifacts and easily update. And our activity logging allows you to visualize and capture all artifact activity, versions and partner shares.

From storing critical documents to eliminating lost documents hidden in email or personal drives, GovPort provides you with a single secure solution to store and archive critical contract documentation.

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Improved teaming efficiency
Companies using GovPort experience a significant increase in teaming efficiency.
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Increase in audit readiness
GovPort offers robust audit features and capabilities, which are crucial for businesses looking to obtain or maintain industry compliance standards.
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Save storage costs
Implementing GovPort can lead to substantial cost savings for companies by reducing the need for additional backup cloud storage infrastructure.