Contract Opportunities
How does GovPort help you collaborate?
The GovPort platform provides you the tools to invite, request, and communicate with partners in one secure location.
Speak with us
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Provision ownership
Grant access to team members as needed to help manage opportunities and artifacts with ease.
Grant access to team members as needed to help manage opportunities and artifacts with ease.
Communicate with ease
Send requests, comments and files. Receive email notices, clear request assignments, and due date indicators
Send requests, comments and files. Receive email notices, clear request assignments, and due date indicators
Track for transparency
Automatically record and view all activity. Instantly know the who, what, when and where for all actions.
Automatically record and audit all activity. Instantly know the who, what, when and where for all actions.

Align your stakeholders with GovPort Opportunities

See how our platform impacts contract teams

Do you have to dig for files in old emails? Do you have to provision email accounts or access for users or partners? Are you concerned with internal turnover and data loss?

GovPort offers a single secure location to align your stakeholder. Our Opportunities allow you to provision access to internal team members as needed and invite external partners to collaborate via a partner portal. Internal and external requests are intuitive and support comments, attachments, and due dates. Opportunity owners can organize and store all opportunity related files at their fingertips for easy access and compliance. All files shared are surfaced in an easily accessible location on the opportunity for quick access. And users maintain full transparency with activity tracking.

From tracking unique contract elements, to managing team members, to assigning requests to partners, GovPort captures everything you need in a single secure location.

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Improved teaming efficiency
Companies using GovPort experience a significant increase in teaming efficiency.
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Increase in audit readiness
GovPort offers robust audit features and capabilities, which are crucial for businesses looking to obtain or maintain industry compliance standards.
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Save storage costs
Implementing GovPort can lead to substantial cost savings for companies by reducing the need for additional backup cloud storage infrastructure.